



NEWS-臺德大學聯盟圓桌會議 12校代表齊聚 盼為2國教育建立橋樑


臺德聯盟 3月6日於本校舉辦「臺德大學聯盟圓桌會議(HAWtech-TAItech Roundtable Agenda, 2019)」,由臺德雙邊12所大學代表,針對交換學生、企業實習、實驗室合作、暑期學校及短期研習等五大議題討論並共同簽署合作備忘錄(MoU),期望台德大學聯盟緊密合作、務實交流、嘉惠學子。



教育部補充,德國發起的工業4.0 (Industry 4.0)概念,推行智慧智造,講求智能化,提升產業效能,已成為全球發展趨勢。HAWtech及TAItech聯盟如同教育的橋樑,串連二國高等教育,強調培養專業技術、提升語言能力,強化國際移動力(Mobility),成為畢業即就業的「世界型人才」。

2019 HAWtech-TAItech Roundtable was held by National Chin-Yi University of Technology on March 6th. Representatives of 12 universities from Taiwan and Germany discussed and signed a memorandum of cooperation (MoU) on five topics: student exchange, workplace/industry internships, research internships, summer schools, and visiting cultural tour. They hope that this HAWtech-TAItech alliance will cooperate closely in order to benefit students.

The German HAWtech Alliance was founded in 2009 by Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Dresden University of Applied Sciences, Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, and Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences. These six universities have outstanding characteristics and positive connections with industry.

The Taiwan TAItech Alliance was established in 2017. Professor, Ching-Jong Liao, President of Taiwan University of Science and Technology, served as the first chairman of TAItech. The members of TAItech include National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, National Taipei University of Technology, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, National Formosa University, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, and National Chin-Yi University of Technology. This alliance which is a combination of Taiwan’s prestigious universities links up the industrial development throughout Taiwan in order to promote international cooperation. 

Wen-Yuan Chen, President of National Chin-Yi University of Technology, who is the chairman of TAItech chairman from 2019-2020, said that he hopes to improve the quality of technical and vocational education, strengthen students' innovative ability and accelerate the link between technical and vocational education and industrial needs by connecting HAWtech-TAItech system. Moreover, TAItech links the strengths and resources among the universities, and plans five cooperative topics to promote international exchange between Taiwan and Germany in order to foster the Taiwanese students’ global competitiveness.

The Ministry of Education added that the concept of Industry 4.0 initiated by Germany, which promotes intelligent manufacturing, emphasizes intellectualization and improves industrial efficiency, has become a global development trend. The collaboration between HAWtech and TAItech in Higher Education in two countries highlights on training professional skills, improving language skills, strengthening international mobility, and cultivating top tech talents to get hired after graduation.

